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Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Glaze

It's clearly turning into American month on Fold in the Flour, as this particular Bundt cake is again inspired by the US. I've recently blogged Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes for the Cupcake Book Club. They went down so well, I wanted to try another chocolate and peanut butter recipe. Flicking through some of my baking books, I came across this one, from a little book called 'Cake Keeper Cakes', by Lauren Chattman. The idea being that the cakes in the book can be kept on your counter top for a few days, in one of those glorious covered cake plates (sadly I don't have one of those, so tupperware for me!). However, I love the idea of the genteel hospitality this evokes, with friends and family dropping around for a cup of tea, slice of cake and a chat.

As a side issue, in case you're not aware of this, Cardiff has a fantastic shopping centre, particularly if you're a cookery enthusiast. Whether you love cookware gadgetry, ingredients or farmers' markets, there is plenty to interest you and your pennies. One day, I'll do a post on a baker's guide to Cardiff. For now, and where this particular cake comes in, I just thought I'd mention that there is also an American candy retailer that has now opened up. Although it's a bit pricey, I had a nosey in there the other day. I came out quite a few pounds lighter, but with some goodies that I've heard about but never tried. York Peppermint Patties. Mint M&Ms. Peanut Butter M&Ms. And Reeses Pieces. When I found this particular recipe, it called for chopped Butterfinger bars as the garnish on top (they look a bit like Crunchies but made of peanut butter). I didn't have any, so decided to use the Reeses Pieces. This gave the cake a bit of a childs party look, rather than the more elegant one in the book. But it still tasted great.

Aanyways, the recipe also didn't originally have chocolate chips in it, but when I had mixed the batter, it was quite thick and I thought it could take them. They added even more of a chocolatey feel to the cake, which I preferred to just the peanut butter mix on its own. The cake is quite dense once baked (maybe tending towards a little dry), but still delicious, as the sour cream stops the peanut butter from being too cloying. The chocolate glaze I found to be perfect with it, although Mike (who is not a fan of dark chocolate) preferred the cake without it. The recipe makes a big cake - definitely one to last a few days.

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Glaze (adapted from 'Cake Keeper Cakes')


237ml (1 cup) sour cream
3 US sized large eggs (each weighed at 57-64g in the shell)
2 tspn vanilla extract
290g (2 1/4 cups) plain flour
1 tspn baking powder
1/2 tspn baking soda
1/2 tspn salt
113g (1/2 cup - 1 stick) softened unsalted butter
250g (1 cup) smooth peanut butter
300g (1 1/2 cups packed) soft light brown sugar
200g (about 1 cup) dark chocolate chips

Dark Chocolate Glaze
225g (8 oz) plain chocolate, chopped
2 tbspns unsalted butter
175ml (3/4 cup) double cream
something to decorate eg chopped Crunchie bar, Reeses Pieces, Smarties etc

Preheat the oven to 155 Fan / 175 Conventional / 350 C / Gas 4. Grease and flour a 23cm / 9 inch / 12 cup bundt pan.

Whisk together the sour cream, eggs and vanilla in a jug. Mix the flour, baking powder, soda and salt in a bowl. Combine the butter, peanut butter and brown sugar in a stand mixer and cream until fluffy. With the mixer on low, add 1/3 of the flour mix and beat until incorporated. Add 1/2 the liquids and mix well, then continue with 1/3 flour, the other 1/2 liquid, and the final 1/3 flour. Scrape down the bowl if necessary to ensure all the ingredients are mixed in. Turn the mixer to medium-high and beat for 1 minute.

Toss the chocolate chips with a little extra flour, then gently fold them into the mix until they are evenly spread throughout. Turn into the prepared bundt pan.

Bake for about 40 - 45 minutes in the centre of the oven, until a skewer comes out clean. Cool in the pan for 5 minutes and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the glaze, put the chocolate into a bowl with the cream and butter, and melt over a saucepan of boiling water (make sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl, otherwise the chocolate will burn). Stir until smooth, remove from heat and leave to cool slightly. Pour the warm glaze over the cake, and let in drip down the sides. Sprinkle your decoration over the top, and leave to set for about 30 minutes.

The cake can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days (that's if you need it to).




  1. Hmmm this looks amazing! so incredibly jealous of your American sweet shop on your door! I love butterfingers, you will have to try one out sometime but I was very excited to spot straight away the reese's pieces you used - they look great! I love the look of your super thick glaze how delicious - you should have entered these into United Bakes of America! or do you have more American bakes up your sleeve? hehe

    1. Thanks Gem, and yes, I do have a few more American bakes up my sleeve :D So it really must be American month on Fold in the Flour! :)

    2. haha well that gets me very excited, I am all in favour of American month!! Can't wait to see them!

  2. Looks lovely and so American! Reese's Pieces is a excellent addition :-) xx

    1. Thanks Miss C, yes they also gave a lovely little crunch as well! :)

  3. Replies
    1. A new discovery for me, but I love them now, too. And Reese's Cups! :)

  4. You had me at peanut butter :) This cake looks delicious - Love the addition of chocolate chips and of course the Reese's pieces on top (which they sell in Tesco) Peanutbutter M&M's are my absolute favourite! Very jealous of your American candy shop!

    1. Ooh, I didn't know they sold Reese's Pieces in Tesco! Will have to check that out. It's definitely good to have the shop in Cardiff, but it is expensive (although if you buy stuff online, with delivery it's probably equivalent) and I can't help wondering how long it will last! Still, Iit's useful to have there. :)

  5. Thanks Dolly - I am already subscribed to your blog, which I love! Your bunts are, indeed, very tempting ;)

  6. Oh snap, another chocolate and peanut butter cake. They seem to have been popping up all over the place recently and I've just made one too. Yours looks fabulous an so elegant in it's bundt shape. I love that dark glossy chocolate coating too..

    1. Thanks Choclette - they do seem popular at the minute but I guess the pairing is such a classic! :)

  7. Chocolate peanut butter is a current baking obsession of mine so I am seriously drooling right now!

    1. Thanks CC - that did make me laugh! I love the combination, too, there is just something about the salty, nutty peanut butter and chocolate that I can't resist :)

  8. The glaze looks to die for! So glossy!

  9. I know it's years later, but anyway you can get Reese's pieces in Poundland now. Also Twinkies, which turned out to be a bit weird-tasting and disappointing.


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