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Contact Me / PR Policy

I love reading comments on the blog, but if you'd like to email me you can do so via the blog button or just use susie(at)foldintheflour(dot)com.

You can also contact me on Twitter (@FoldintheFlour).

 My position on PR enquiries

Over the time I have been writing the blog, I have come to value the enjoyment it gives me, and also the freedom I have to try new things and to do what I want, when I want. 

I have also watched blogs I love sadly, in my opinion, change to provide an awful reader experience due to the introduction of monetisation and advertising.

On that basis, it might help to know that I have now taken a conscious decision not to accept anything for review or for PR purposes. I will also not run adverts on this blog.

So what I use and then refer to in posts is what I have bought and used myself. Any opinion I express is honestly held, and volunteered in the spirit that if I'm excited enough to like something, then other baking enthusiasts out there might, too! Conversely, if I have had trouble with something, you might like to know what happened, and what I think about it.

For the eagle eyed amongst you, on the one occasion in the past that I was provided something free for a post (a copy of 'Pure Vanilla' by Shauna Server), I said so clearly. 

I will also delete - and have - any comments left on the blog that I think constitute advertising.

With that out of the way, why don't you grab a cuppa, pull up a chair, and explore my baking world a bit more?

Hope you enjoy your visit!


  1. Hi Emma - wow, just had a quick look and they are fab! Glad you liked the recipe. :)

  2. Hi Sue, I'm not sure if you were aware that your lovely husband smuggled out a slice of your limoncello cake however I must say I applaud him for doing so. OMG, it was delicious (he even presented me with a fork and napkin to!!) I've had the pleasure of sampling some of your masterpieces in the past but I must say this one tops them all. Here's to more smuggling and I hope to return the gesture sometime soon!

    1. Hi Alison, Yes, I was, and I'm on,y sorry he didn't let you have a piece with the sugar flowers on ( they added a nice little crunch). Anyway I'm really glad you enjoyed it and thanks so much for letting me know! :)


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