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Pistachio and Lemon Cake (with a helping of news on the side)

Gosh, where has the time gone?

So how've you been? Good I hope.

Great stuff.

And Me?

Not so much. But getting there.

I've been away a while, I know. Lots of things happening. Some not, but hey, that's life.

Since we last spoke, I've left my job of 19 years (health reasons), and that seems scary.

Mike's job was victim to a reorganisation, so that gave him the opportunity to take redundancy. That seems scary, too.

As they say, timing is everything. So in a burst of mid-life shenanigans, we've decided to start our own business.

A coffee shop. With a bakery - cakery attached.

O. M. G.

That seems very freakin' scary! But exciting, too.

Hopefully soon, we'll be taking on the lease of a small shop near us. Fitting it out, and then opening our doors to entice hungry shoppers with the delicious smell of good coffee and freshly baked cakes.

It's going to be a lot of hard work.

I can't wait.

But I have to. The legalities, you know? Take time. Meh.

So to keep myself occupied I've been practise baking the kind of cakes that we want to offer.

Chocolate Cake.

Carrot Cake.

Lemon Drizzle.

Ginger and Lime Loaf.

etc. etc. etc.

And this one.

A Pistachio and Lemon Cake.

There seem to be quite a few recipes around for this cake, all with slightly different variations.

This one, from Lola's Forever, is a gaw-geous cuddle of a cake. Full of ground pistachios and almonds, it's incredibly moist, yet the crust becomes almost caramelised with the heat from the tin. There is a small amount of flour, so it's not a gluten free cake.

Lemon zest and juice in the batter, and the lemon icing act as a counterpoint to the sweet, nutty pistachios.

At least it keeps me occupied while I wait.

And wait.

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting a bit brighter, though, so hopefully I'll have more news soon.




  1. OMG!!! that's so exciting!!!... where is it? When can we come visit? This is such a dream of mine and many of us i'm sure. Well done you. With cakes like these you cannot help but succeed!

    1. Thanks Dom - hopefully we'll sign the lease by the end of next week. But we said that about October half term! :) It's Cardiff, and you're welcome any time.

  2. So glad to see you back and what exciting news! I visit Cardiff once a year to see one of my friends so please do keep me updated on when you open and I'll pop along on my next visit!

    1. Thanks Kat. Bit of a leap of faith, but if we don't do it now, we'll always think 'what if ...'. It'd be lovely to see you. :)

  3. Wow, how exciting? Glad to see you are back and i'm sure your coffee shop will be a wonderful success. x

  4. Lovely to see you back, you've had quite a year! Fantastic news about the coffee shop - I'll certainly be dropping by next time I'm in Cardiff! Pob lwc!

    1. Diolch yn fawr! Thanks Katharine - would be great to see you! :)

  5. Wow Susie congrats!! That is mega exciting news! Living the dream hey! I'm sure that's what we would all love to be doing! If only you weren't in the wrong part of Wales ;) I'd be popping in for a huge slice of your choc fudge cake for sure!!! xxx

    1. Thanks Gem, and if you ever are in this neck of the woods, it'd be great to see you! Hope everything is good with you! :) xx

  6. Wow, that's amazing news, congratulations! I'm unlikely to be in Cardiff any time soon, but if I know anyone heading there I'll tell them to make a beeline for you (follow the smell of cake, perhaps?)

    1. Thanks Lucy - hopefully yes - as long as I don't burn anything! :) x

  7. Wow that sounds so exciting! And scary, in a good way. I'm sure your cafe will be a raging success - just look at the texture of that cake. Glorious! Lovely to see you blogging again. :)

  8. I've just set up my own business too! its scary but the most alive and excited i've felt in years. With cakes like yours i'm sure you'll succeed. I wish you every bit of luck and i'm looking forward to following your success on the blog!

    1. Thanks. Yes, there's so much to arrange when you're starting up, but it's a great feeling knowing you are doing it for yourself. Good luck with yours, too! :)

  9. Fantastic! I'm so pleased you're back blogging and what exciting news. This is a fresh beginning for you both when everything starts to go right. Congratulations

  10. Happy Christmas and have a very happy new year

  11. I suppose by now all the legals are done and dusted and you are in the thick of things in the shop kitchen baking. I wish you every success in your new venture....scary for sure but so so exciting. Will you have time to blog? I hope so, would love to hear about all the things that go on in this new chapter. Happy New Year

    1. Unfortunately, no. The landlord needs to approve the transfer and things are now getting rather protracted. We are told that it is 'imminent', but we've been told that for a while. Very frustrating.I will almost certainly blog about it then. Fingers crossed.

      In the meantime, Happy New Year! Xx

  12. Hi Susie,

    You followed my blog (djkardkreations) and so I've come to return the flavor! Thank you! I wish you all the best with your new venture and I wish I lived there so I could be a customer! I am curious how you found me and followed me since I'm a card hobby blog, if you don't mind my asking!

    Hugs, Darnell

    1. Hi Darnell,
      Thanks for following, and for the good wishes.
      I started making my own gift tags etc for the cakes and gifts I've been creating, and slowly started learning a bit more about paper crafting. My Christmas present from the boys was a Cuttlebug, and I've been gradually experimenting, and reading and discovering some wonderful blogs, which included yours! I've really enjoyed it, and I also have a very nosy side, so really enjoy things like the craft room tours.
      Susie xx

  13. Oh my goodness, how did I miss this???? Sounds fabulous, how very exciting. I do hope it works out for you. It can be tough, but also very rewarding - so they say ;-)

    When are we going to hear more?

    1. Thank you for the good wishes! Fingers crossed we are going to sign off on the legalities tomorrow - then it'll be getting the go ahead to collect the keys! :) xx

      (I just had to pinch myself then - it's been a long six months since Mike and I got this harebrained scheme in our heads. Can't believe it may be finally about to happen!)

  14. Hi Susi, I so admire your decision to jump into a new business doing something you love! Life is too short so follow you dream girl! I see from your comment to Darnell that you are getting into papercrafting too and this will be a wonderful complement to your beautiful cakes. Good luck with the set up process and I wish you every success.
    Carol x

  15. yummy i love this, delicious, thanks for sharing this recipe.


  16. Where are you? Snowed under - working hard? So looking forward to some new recipes from you and what are the favourites in your new shop.

  17. could you send me the recipe please? Xx


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