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Showing posts from December, 2013

Raspberry Buttermilk Sponge - The Cake That Saved My Baking Mojo

That probably sounds a bit dramatic, after all this is only a cake. But it is one of the few cakes that I have made over the last six months. And it's so simple (easy to remember), and so delicious that I've made it repeatedly. As it's New Year's Eve, and tomorrow is supposed to bring the promise of new starts, I thought it was the perfect way to get back to baking on here. When I didn't really feel like doing anything, let alone heading into the kitchen, it's been my comfort food stand-by, and has been something that Mike and I have regularly enjoyed with an afternoon cuppa. It's helped me focus on something, and its simplicity when it delivers such great results, feels like it is one of the keys to getting me back into baking more often. The recipe is adapted from one in the Great British Bake Off Everyday book, but having made it once with the original blackberry filling, I then tried raspberries, and have made it that way ever s...

Dare to Bare - Random Recipes #35

I know this is not exactly a baking post, but being the complete nosey parker that I am, I couldn't resist this month's Random Recipes challenge, hosted by Dom over at Belleau Kitchen . He dared us to bare our pantries, so that the voyeurs among us can have a good gander. I've really enjoyed reading the posts circulating so far, and as sorting out my kitchen cupboards has been a project of mine over the last few months (I'm afraid I'm turning into an organisation junkie), I thought I could join in on this one. Although I would love to have one of the traditional walk-in pantries, our kitchen does not have enough space for that. We do have quite a few cupboards, and so supplies are spread out between a few of those. This first one is where I keep breakfast cereals and some baking ingredients like nuts, chocolate, yeast, extracts etc. You get the idea that I am addicted to Kilner jars, yes? To put my addiction into perspective, I've been collecting them for...

Well that was a year that was ...

... pretty horrendous. I cannot believe that I'm sitting here typing this more than six months after my last post. My apologies for my silence since June. By way of explanation, all I can say is that I have been ill. The stresses and strains of the last few years finally took their toll, and in a way I never expected, I was literally knocked for six within the space of a weekend. While things are slowly improving, the last six months have felt like an ordeal just existing, never mind blogging. So I must admit that I will be glad to see the back of 2013, and hope that 2014 can see me start to move forward a bit more. Getting back to baking, and blogging, I hope will be part of that process. I hope that you've had a great Christmas, and that the New Year brings all that you wish for. I'll be back pretty soon with some baking. Until then, take care, Susie xx